

Why we dance?

From what first began as a humble little dance class conducted on a Saturday morning in Hamlyn Heights, Karen Feldman’s Dance Studio has now grown into a large dance studio with classes conducted at 15 locations throughout Geelong and its surrounding areas.

The fundamental aim of the classes, when it first began back in July 2005, was simply to offer fun dance classes for children. However as the studio has grown, so has the understanding of how the studio serves the wider community and how it is much more than just “fun dance classes for children”.


Essentially the studio aims to:

1. Cultivate a passion and enjoyment of dance

Learning should be pleasurable. There is no rule against hard work being fun. While the same principle of “fun dance classes” still applies the studio should also cultivate a love for dance as an art form and a respect for dance technique.

2. Promote confidence in young children

The studio aims to not only teach students basic dance practice, but also instill life skills and foster self-assurance and self-confidence. It is the knowledge that we are lovable, we are capable, and we are unique.

3. Offering age appropriate and wholesome curriculum

The underlying principle here is “let children be children”. Music, costumes, dance steps are all selected with the correct age-range in mind.


A final note

Over the years of operation, Karen Feldman’s Dance Studio has been growing in the success of allowing its two guiding principles to coexist – that is, providing dance classes which are fun for children, while striving to instill in them a passion and respect for the art of dance. The studio continues to strive to keep the world of children’s dance free from the grip of a culture which is increasingly turning a blind eye to the sexualisation of the young. Karen Feldman’s Dance Studio’s success is a testament to the parents who seek an alternative healthy, enjoyable and confidence-building dance experience for their children.
